Conception, development, design and hosting : Laëtis
Technical administration, Site management : Office de Tourisme d'Anglet
Maps : Leaflet
Reproduction rights
The contents of this website comprises texts, illustrations, downloadable document grouped by theme, all of which constituting the website
Partial or total reproduction of content, design, texts and illustrations, in any publication, is strictly forbidden, without written authorization of the website
The website of Office du Tourisme d'Anglet. is registered with the "Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés" (CNIL)
Links policy
Linking to the website is strictly submitted to priori authorization, except for referencing through a search engine or a directory.
External links referenced in the website are subject to agreement between concerned editors. However, the Office du Tourisme d'Anglet can not be held responsible for the contents and performance of the referenced sites, users being free to follow or not these links.
The Office du Tourisme d'Anglet set up a template document for agreement of linking reciprocity, detailing receivable partnerships and technical rules applicable.
The website aims at informing users on the diversity of the touristic commercial offer. Despite our efforts, some data may not be up to date. Information displayed on is not underwritten by the Office du Tourisme d'Anglet, but is the responsability of our different partners.
Private data and confidentiality
The data transmitted by the user during a request for information are kept by the Office du Tourisme d'Anglet in accordance with current recommendations.
Personal data are not sold or leased to others. The information collected is subject to a treatment designed to allow monitoring of private exchanges between the user and the staff of the Office du Tourisme d'Anglet.
According to the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, users have the right to access and correct information about them. If they wish to exercise this right and obtain information about them, he may contact the Office du Tourisme d'Anglet - 1 avenue de la Chambre d'Amour - 64600 ANGLET.
Users may, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data about them : in this case, they must specify it in their request in the comment area of the contact form.
Subscription to the newsletter is voluntary on the part of users, by entering their email address in the area planned for this purpose (mailing list). It is free. It is valid until a request to unsubscribe.
Statistics and cookies
The tools developed by the Office du Tourisme d'Anglet or tools used in addition, allow anonymous analysis of attendance by theme and content.
No "cookies" are used.