A Christmas show where gentle gliding and acrobatic prowess are brought to life by a slightly offbeat conductor!
Follow his adventures as he composes his new symphony.
Santa's got his work cut out to make sure the party goes on until the end of the night.
Skating, acrobatics, magic, aerial acts and original numbers all come together to delight you.
The troupe invites you to share this moment of escape with family and friends.


  • Le samedi 21 décembre , de 20h00 à 21h30
Organized by Patin'air
Prices Payment methods
  • Payment cards
  • By the seaside
GPS location Latitude : 43.5269
Longitude : -1.52212


Navigation astronomique à bord de l'Hermione

Navigation astronomique à bord de l'Hermione

Immerse yourself in the world of astronomical navigation, just as the first round-the-world navigators did! The Société d?Astronomie Populaire de la Côte Basque (Popular Astronomy Society of the Basque Coast) is organizing…