Protecting and respecting our natural ecosystem
The town of Anglet is keen to ensure the delicate balance between preserving the forest and encouraging public access.
It’s important to take care of our forest, and in Anglet, it’s important to all of us. It’s the place where we recharge our batteries, where we meet up with family and friends, where we practice our favorite sporting activities, where we can simply disconnect.
But to ensure that this protected area remains a place of tranquility and rejuvenation for generations to come, it’s crucial to adopt good practices.
Respect the wildlife and vegetation around you
During your walk, be careful not to disturb the wildlife. Keep your distance when observing animals, avoid feeding them and, above all, don’t touch their young! If you take your pet for a walk, be sure to keep it on a leash so as not to disturb the peace and quiet of other animals and forest walkers.
Keep the forest clean
Leaving waste in the forest harms the environment by polluting soil and water. What’s more, it can be dangerous for animals, trapping them or seriously injuring them. Use the numerous garbage cans provided at the forest entrances, or take your garbage home if no garbage cans are available.
Preserve dead wood
Dead wood is essential to the ecological balance of forests. It is home to numerous animal species and insects, as well as plants such as lichens and mosses. Around 25% of forest biodiversity depends on dead wood. What’s more, its decomposition contributes to the return of minerals to the soil, helping to keep trees healthy.
Do not light fires or barbecues
It is strictly forbidden to light fires or have barbecues in the forest! Similarly, do not throw cigarette butts on the ground. Every year, around 3,000 forest fires occur, often due to carelessness. The consequences are serious, disrupting biodiversity and taking decades to repair.
Respect forest signage
Take the time to carefully read the information panels at the various entrances to the forest. These signs provide essential information about the rules, precautions and special features of the forest area you are visiting. Make sure you understand and respect these rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and other visitors.
Report problems
If you notice any problems in the forest, report them to the appropriate authorities so that they can take the necessary action.
Watch out for processionary caterpillars
When exploring the forest, beware of processionary caterpillars. Avoid direct contact with these caterpillars, as their stinging hairs can cause severe allergic reactions in people and animals.
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